It's a place of many opportunities. Big Bucks. Women garbed in their finest. Men of all ages. Hands that house all kinds of stone. Diamonds. Rubies. Sapphires. It reeks of wealth. Of Luxury. Brilliant Minds. Poker faces.
Drinks are endless. There is too much laughter. Too many bright lights. Money is thrown everywhere. Some win. Other lose big time. No matter. For it's a haven of comfort to some. A place of entertainment to many. And a niche to the hopeful. Whatever it is…it's a place for everybody. The casino.
Casino. The name itself isn't new to anybody. The name resounds to even the far-flung areas. The name itself has become a legend.
But what exactly is a casino? Where did it come from? How is it played? How does one win?
The word casino is derived from the Italian word " cassino" which means "little house or summer villa", built inside a villa or a grand Italian building. Casinos were originally built for amusement and delight. However, it was not until the 19th century where gambling and sports took place.
In the 20th century, the gambling establishments in Las Vegas, Atlantic City and Monte Carlo were the biggest gambling complexes. However, the casino in Macau that was built just last year has now taken the crown from Las Vegas. Nevertheless, these gambling centers would still provide the much needed excitement, enjoyment, and pleasure that have made affluent clienteles come back time and again.
Cards games such as blackjack (originally known as vingt-et-un), baccarat (a French card game wherein the players may bet a total of any amount equal to or less than the amount of the banker) and poker (a betting card game) are found in these gambling centers. In fact, these are among the many games that gamblers - novices and pros alike - dig.
For those who prefer the sound of machines ticking and tokens clicking, the slot machine is for them. Slot machines are as popular as card games are. Charles Fey, a German immigrant, created the first marvel of the slot machines. This machine was named "Liberty Belle." The popularity of the slots remained steady until the 1990s where another mechanical device was invented. The Pin Ball allowed much larger bets and the addition of electronic parts made it more appealing to the populace.
With the advent of technology, people can now have access to casino games by just logging on to the Internet. One doesn't need to intentionally visit gambling centers. All they need is a computer with access to the Internet. Once they have these, they can now spend hours cracking their minds and winning hands. And when the stakes are high, and the player is blessed by luck and skill, he wins the game.
Easy as pie isn't it? Not as easy as you might think, though.